It is very important that parents feel involved in school life and we, as a staff, want to make sure your children are happy and doing well.
One important way of doing this is by keeping in touch. School is a busy place and sometimes it is hard to juggle all the demands on teacher’s time. I hope it will be helpful if I let you know how we can keep in touch, and what to do if you have a worry concerning your child.
- We use newsletters, emails, class dojo and ‘texts to parents’ to keep you informed of school news.
- Parents’ evenings are held each term and are a great opportunity for you to discuss your child’s progress and raise any concerns with your child’s teacher.
- We invite you to events like parades, fayres, sports events, Masses, assemblies and productions and we hope you enjoy spending time in school with your children.
- The office staff will pass on messages to teachers or children, hand over forgotten items etc.
- If you have a concern you can make an appointment to see the class teacher to discuss it. This is usually best done after school when the children have gone home, and the teacher is able to give you quality time.
- If you feel the matter has not been dealt with fully you can make an appointment to see the Head Teacher, or one of the Assistant Heads (hopefully this will be on the same day – although this is not always possible).
In the case of a very urgent matter that cannot be left until the end of the day, teachers are normally available before school from 8.30-8.45. In this case, please come to the school office and they will find the teacher for you.
It is very difficult for staff to meet with you between 8.45-3.30. During these hours the children are their priority and they need to give them their full attention.
Please ring the school office on 0117 3772160 to arrange an appointment or drop in any morning between 9-9.30 or on Mondays or Fridays after school.