St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic
Primary School


“Jethro said to Moses: Let them bring every important case to you, but decide every minor case themselves” Exodus 18:22

Subsidiarity involves making sure that decisions are made at the most appropriate level, so all those affected can contribute and have a voice. Everyone has important ideas and knows what is best for their families and communities. They need to have a say and the chance to influence outcomes.


We believe everyone should have a say.


 Click here to see the our Cafod Club page

Cafod Club Magazine

The Chaplaincy Team regularly produce Cafod Club magazines. Cafod Club is a pupil-led club with the aim to help build a brighter world.


 Setting up Cafod Club

The Chaplaincy Team have been inviting children to join their new Cafod Club. Cafod Club will give children the opportunity to contribute and have a voice. The pupils can lead the way, putting their faith into action.

Joining Cafod Club




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