Human Dignity
God said, ‘Let us make human-kind in our image, according to our likeness.’ Genesis 1:26
We celebrate diversity, and the strength it gives us, as we come together and seek justice for all. Since we believe each person is made in the image and likeness of God and has inherent dignity, we work with those living in poverty to have access to food, water, housing and other basic amenities which many of us can often take for granted.
We believe everyone is special.
Celebrating Diversity
As part of our school virtual Advent calendar on Catholic Social Teaching, Year 6 created these fantastic pictures to celebrate diversity.
We can all have different views of the world, through different eyes but we are all special to God.
Year 1 Butterfly Song
As part of our school virtual Advent calendar on Catholic Social Teaching, Year 1 read Psalm 139:14 in their prayer & liturgy session and talked about how God has made us all special and unique. They then learnt the Butterfly Song and added some actions too.
‘Every person is worthy of our giving...they are God’s handiwork, his creation. God created that person in his image, and he or she reflects something of God’s glory. Every human being is the object of God’s infinite tenderness, and he himself is present in their lives.’ Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) #274, 2013