St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic
Primary School

Medical Matters

The School Nurse and Audiometrician (for hearing tests) make routine visits to school.
You will be informed in good time when your child is to be medically examined by the School Doctor and asked if you wish to attend. The School Nurse monitors the general health e.g. weight, eyesight of all children.  We will not be able to inform you of these, as the Nurse gives no prior notice.

In exceptional circumstances medicines can be administered in School.
Usually if a child needs medication e.g. antibiotics – s/he must be kept at home until well. There are some exceptions of course e.g. asthma, hay fever, Ritalin.
In these cases parents must complete a form accepting responsibility and give written ‘administering instructions’ to the School Administrator if requesting for medicines to be administered to their child.