St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic
Primary School

Promoting Peace

We believe in being peacemakers.    

‘...those who promote peace have joy.’ Proverbs 12:20

Peace comes from both justice and love and is dependent upon people understanding one another. Peace is not just the absence of war. It is part of God’s nature, and a value we should all seek to live out in our daily lives. 


Peace Day 2023

The 21st September is the International Day of Peace. In school the children undertake various activities related to Peace Day. We come together to celebrate and share the learning in an assembly.


Peace Day -Refugees

For Peace Day Year 6 have been studying refugees. We built refugee tents to highlight the number of refugees fleeing war and persecution. Refugees are forced to leave their homes behind and travel to a new country, often to set up home at a refugee camp with tents.



Peace Day -Looking at wars since World War 2

For International Peace Day Year 6 have been looking at the location of wars since WW2. We quickly realised there were so many wars it would take too long to locate them all.


Peace Doves

As part of our school virtual Advent calendar on Catholic Social Teaching, Year 5 have been thinking about what peace means and created these beautiful peace doves.


Peace Day 2022

Year 4 exploring what peace means to them.



For Peace Day Year 6 have been studying refugees. We built refugee tents to highlight the number of refugees fleeing war and persecution. Refugees are forced to leave their homes behind and travel to a new country, often to set up home at a refugee camp with tents.

Peace Day -Refugees


Peace Day -Looking at wars since World War 2

For International Peace Day Year 6 have been looking at the location of wars since WW2. We quickly realised there were so many wars it would take too long to locate them all.

Looking at wars since World War 2


Prayers & sunflowers for Ukraine

For St Joseph's Day this year we focused on offering prayers and support to Ukraine.

St Joseph protected and provided for the Holy Family. We ask St Joseph to pray for protection for the people of Ukraine. We pray for peace.

The children wrote prayers for Ukraine and coloured in sunflowers (The unofficial national symbol of Ukraine). As part of a collective worship these were placed under our sleeping St Joseph statue. Later these sunflowers were used to decorate the school hall.










Peace Day 2021

Peace Day 2021 Refugees

For Peace Day Year 6 focused on refugees and the difficulties they face. We made paper boats to highlight their plight and had some reflection/prayer time.



 ‘Today the world has a profound thirst for peace. In many countries, people are suffering due to wars which, though often forgotten, are always the cause of suffering and poverty.’ Pope Francis, September 20, 2016



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