Year 4
Welcome to Y4
In Y4, the class teacher is Mr. March-Smith.
Miss Martin is our class Teaching Assistant.
On Tuesday afternoon, the class are taught PE by a Sports Coach, therefore they need to bring their PE kit to school. PE kits consist of a blue t-shirt, dark coloured shorts, appropriate sport shoes. In winter, we recommend leggings or tracksuit bottoms in a dark colour and suitable sweatshirt or sports top.
Reading & Writing
We would like every child to become a competent reader by the end of Y4. To achieve this, please can you support your child on their learning journey by hearing them read at home a minimum of 4 times per week. We will hear them read in school too. They will have a reading log book – please sign every time you hear them read. They need to bring their book and reading log to school every day. While you are hearing them read, please ask them questions about their book. Here are some suggestions:
The video below outlines the writing expectations for Year 4.
Times Tables
At the end of Y4, the Government holds Statutory Tests to test Y4 children’s
knowledge of Times Tables. Because of the Pandemic, this will be the first year of these statutory Times Tables Tests. All Y4 children will be tested on all Times Table facts from 1x1=1 right up to 12x12=144 and everything in between. Please can you support your child in learning these in any way that works for them: chanting, singing, writing them down, playing board games, playing online games etc.
As well as frequent reading at home and practising Times Tables or Mathematics, Y4 pupils will also receive a spelling rule or pattern plus 10 example spellings to learn. These will be given to the children on a Thursday and they will be tested on the following Wednesday.
Class Dojo and communicating with us
Please sign up to Class Dojo. This is similar to a private texting system where we can send you messages directly to your device and in turn, you can send us messages too. There is also the ability to read whole class information, see photographs of the children in school, as well as whole school information. It is a great way to keep in touch. In the event of any issues or problems, please come and see one of us directly. We are here not only to teach your child, but to work alongside parents in supporting your child. We want the best for each child, so that they can fulfil their potential.
During the year, in History, we learn about the Romans and Victorian Britain through the study of railways. In Science, we learn about animal groups, digestion and teeth, sound, electricity and states of matter. Our Geography is focused on the United Kingdom, it’s rivers, seas, countries, cities and counties. We also study rivers in more detail. In RE, we follow the year, learning to develop a deeper understanding of the bible message to us. We also learn about Judaism.