St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic
Primary School

School Trips

Children have regular opportunities to go on trips. Teachers plan outings to enrich children’s learning and bring it to life. Sometimes these will be local trips that are free. At other times we may ask parents for a contribution towards the cost of the trip. We always try to keep the cost to a minimum, and often the school will subsidise the cost through fundraising.

Annually we have a whole school outing. These are events that bring all the staff and children together and we try to do something really special.

We really like all children to take part in trips, and they are planned as part of the children’s learning. In cases of financial hardship we will always try to help. Please see the class teacher or head teacher if you need to discuss this in confidence.

Our older children have the chance to take part in overnight trips. Each December Year 4 and 5 children go on a 24 hour retreat during Advent.


 In the Spring Term Year 6 pupils enjoy a wonderful week of activities and fun.