Pentecost is the birthday of the Catholic Church. It is when the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles fifty days after the Resurrection of Christ. As a consequence, the symbol that represents the Holy Spirit is fire.
Pentecost artwork
Pentecost Art
Pentecost gifts
Year 6 decorated crosses with Pentecost designs and gave it to their Reception buddies as a gift.
Pentecost displays
Pentecost display
Pentecost Assembly 2023
Year 6 & the Reception Class gave a fantastic assembly on the theme of being brave and the story of Pentecost.
Pentecost artwork & displays
Pentecost artwork & displays
Making Pentecost Doves
Children in Reception Class and Year 6 got together to make Pentecost doves. They had to work as teamwork bees and follow the instructions.
Pentecost Poems
Pentecost Poems
Pentecost Learning
Pentecost Mass 2022