St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic
Primary School


Pentecost is the birthday of the Catholic Church. It is when the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles fifty days after the Resurrection of Christ. As a consequence, the symbol that represents the Holy Spirit is fire.


Pentecost artwork 

Pentecost Art


 Pentecost gifts

Year 6 decorated crosses with Pentecost designs and gave it to their Reception buddies as a gift.



Pentecost displays

Pentecost display


Pentecost Assembly 2023

Year 6 & the Reception Class gave a fantastic assembly on the theme of being brave and the story of Pentecost.


 Pentecost artwork & displays

Pentecost artwork & displays


Making Pentecost Doves

Children in Reception Class and Year 6 got together to make Pentecost doves. They had to work as teamwork bees and follow the instructions.




Pentecost Poems

Pentecost Poems




 Pentecost Learning



Pentecost Mass 2022



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