St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic
Primary School


We begin the school year with the topic of our school mission statement -Together in God’s family we love, grow and learn.

During this topic we undertake some learning on the mission statement; our school Uganda charity and work on St Joseph.



Examples of learning

Together in God's Family we love, grow and learn


Peace Day

The 21st September is the International Day of Peace. In school the children undertake various activities related to Peace Day. We come together to celebrate and share the learning in an assembly.


Peace Day -Refugees

For Peace Day Year 6 have been studying refugees. We built refugee tents to highlight the number of refugees fleeing war and persecution. Refugees are forced to leave their homes behind and travel to a new country, often to set up home at a refugee camp with tents.

Peace Day -refugees


Peace Day -Looking at wars since World War 2

For International Peace Day Year 6 have been looking at the location of wars since WW2. We quickly realised there were so many wars it would take too long to locate them all.

Peace Day geography 2023


Refugee Art

Year 6 for Peace Day created these striking and thought-provoking refugee art pictures in ICT.




Our first unit of work is on the theme of creation. Amongst the things studied we look at God as creator; protecting His creation and praising God for all the wonderful things He has given us.

 Creation art & displays

Creation art & displays


Learning on Creation

Learning on Creation



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